Automobile Nissan Van from USA
2016 Nissan Van, 2500 S
- Number: 1-44841404
- VIN: 1N6BF0LY3GN801007
- Milage: 201k miles (323k km)
- Location: Hampton (VA)
- Seller: Non-insurance C...
- CT (Virginia)
- Rear
- Starts
Tue 27 August, 2024
Final bid: $700
Past auctions
1991 Nissan Van
- Number: 1-55396884
- VIN: ARME24006855
- Milage: 50k miles (80k km)
- Location: Sun Valley (CA)
- Seller: Non-insurance C...
- CT (Utah)
- Minor dent / scratches
- No information
2013 Nissan Van, 2500
- Number: 1-54361623
- VIN: 1N6BF0LY0DN105944
- Milage: 284k miles (457k km)
- Location: Martinez (CA)
- Seller: ---
- DQ (California)
- Minor dent / scratches
- Run and Drive
Wed 19 July, 2023
Final bid: $4,200
Past auctions
2016 Nissan Van, 1500 S
- Number: 1-73529412
- VIN: 1N6BF0KY0GN812239
- Milage: 73k miles (117k km)
- Location: North Char... (SC)
- Seller: ---
- ST (South Carolina)
- Front end
- Run and Drive
Wed 24 May, 2023
Final bid: $8,000
Past auctions
1997 Nissan Van
- Number: 0-35757937
- VIN: 00000ALWE50000581
- Milage: 61k miles (99k km)
- Location: Spokane (WA)
- Seller: Progressive Cas...
- ---
- | Front / rear Collision
- Starts
Tue 2 May, 2023
Final bid: $1,525
Past auctions
1987 Nissan Van
- Number: 1-61247842
- VIN: JN8SC26S3H4008574
- Milage: 156k miles (251k km)
- Location: North Seattle (WA)
- Seller: ---
- CT (Washington)
- Minor dent / scratches
- Run and Drive
Mon 24 October, 2022
Final bid: $1,450
Past auctions
2018 Nissan Van, 2.5S
- Number: 1-38702802
- VIN: 3N6CM0KN8JK701788
- Milage: 113k miles (182k km)
- Location: Raleigh North (NC)
- Seller: ---
- SC (North Carolina)
- Rear
- Run and Drive
Sat 30 April, 2022
Final bid: ---
Past auctions
2015 Nissan Van, 2.5S
- Number: 1-37755032
- VIN: 3N6CM0KN6FK727247
- Milage: 125k miles (201k km)
- Location: Raleigh (NC)
- Seller: Usaa
- SC (North Carolina)
- Rear
- Run and Drive
Tue 26 April, 2022
Final bid: $8,000
Past auctions
2018 Nissan Van, 2500 S
- Number: 1-53312341
- VIN: 1N6BF0LY4JN806918
- Milage: 68k miles (110k km)
- Location: Lexington ... (KY)
- Seller: ---
- ST (Kentucky)
- Front end
- Starts
Mon 18 April, 2022
Final bid: $7,200
Past auctions
2014 Nissan Van, 2.5S
- Number: 1-37434782
- VIN: 3N6CM0KN3EK694769
- Milage: 173k miles (279k km)
- Location: Antelope (CA)
- Seller: Usaa
- SC (California)
- Rear
- Run and Drive
Thu 31 March, 2022
Final bid: $4,950
Past auctions
2012 Nissan Van, 2500
- Number: 1-64670351
- VIN: 1N6AF0LY3CN108850
- Milage: 281k miles (452k km)
- Location: Van Nuys (CA)
- Seller: ---
- CQ (California)
- Minor dent / scratches
- Run and Drive
Fri 12 November, 2021
Final bid: $5,000
Past auctions
1987 Nissan Van
- Number: 1-61459301
- VIN: JN8SC26S6H4018712
- Milage: 142k miles (228k km)
- Location: Louisville (KY)
- Seller: ---
- CT (Indiana)
- Mechanical
- No information
Thu 21 October, 2021
Final bid: $325
Past auctions
2021 Nissan Van, 2500 S
- Number: 1-55663581
- VIN: 1N6BF0KYXMN802300
- Milage: 8k miles (12k km)
- Location: Tampa South (FL)
- Seller: ---
- RB (Florida)
- Rear
- Run and Drive
Fri 17 September, 2021
Final bid: $13,500
Past auctions
2012 Nissan Van, 2500
- Number: 1-36778911
- VIN: 1N6BF0LY3CN117424
- Milage: 124k miles (200k km)
- Location: Sun Valley (CA)
- Seller: Hartford Insurance
- SC (California)
- Front end
- Vehicle starts
Wed 14 April, 2021
Final bid: $4,350
Past auctions
2009 Nissan Van
- Number: 1-52813740
- VIN: CC25304553
- Milage: 147k miles (237k km)
- Location: -
- Seller: Dealer
- GM (California)
- Normal wear
- Run and Drive
2011 Nissan Van
- Number: 1-50942680
- VIN: FNC26004790
- Milage: 151k miles (244k km)
- Location: -
- Seller: Dealer
- GM (California)
- Normal wear
- Run and Drive
2011 Nissan Van
- Number: 1-50499760
- VIN: C26014058
- Milage: 173k miles (278k km)
- Location: -
- Seller: Dealer
- GM (California)
- Normal wear
- Run and Drive
2015 Nissan Van, 2.5S
- Number: 1-51237950
- VIN: 3N6CM0KN7FK697501
- Milage: 98k miles (157k km)
- Location: Baton Rouge (LA)
- Seller: Gallagher Basse...
- ST (Louisiana)
- All over
- Run and Drive
Tue 16 February, 2021
Final bid: $3,250
Past auctions
1988 Nissan Van
- Number: 0-29337094
- VIN: JN8SC26S3J4032377
- Milage: 171k miles (276k km)
- Location: Fresno (CA)
- Seller: Vietnam Veteran...
- Salvage certificate (California)
- | Right front Other
- Stationary
Tue 2 February, 2021
Final bid: $375
Past auctions
2014 Nissan Van, S
- Number: 1-55469130
- VIN: JN8AE2KP4E9100458
- Milage: 143k miles (231k km)
- Location: Fredericks... (VA)
- Seller: Allstate Insurance
- ST (Virginia)
- All over
- Run and Drive
Wed 23 December, 2020
Final bid: $975
Past auctions
2011 Nissan Van, Off Road
- Number: 1-54182380
- VIN: 5N1AN0NW8BC517871
- Milage: 126k miles (203k km)
- Location: Spokane (WA)
- Seller: Gallagher Basse...
- BS (Washington)
- Rollover
- Run and Drive
Wed 16 December, 2020
Final bid: $1,000
Past auctions
1993 Nissan Van
- Number: 0-27025128
- VIN: ARE24012131
- Milage: 185k miles (298k km)
- Location: Concord (NC)
- Seller: Progressive Cas...
- Salvage (North Carolina)
- | Rear Collision
- Stationary
Mon 23 November, 2020
Final bid: $4,650
Past auctions
1992 Nissan Van
- Number: 1-55091899
- VIN: KRMGE24011806
- Milage: 147k miles (237k km)
- Location: Hayward (CA)
- Seller: ---
- GM (California)
- Normal wear
- Run and Drive
1988 Nissan Van
- Number: 1-47908869
- VIN: JN8SC26S9J4025031
- Milage: 120k miles (192k km)
- Location: Van Nuys (CA)
- Seller: ---
- CQ (California)
- Side
- No information
Fri 11 October, 2019
Final bid: $175
Past auctions
1992 Nissan Van
- Number: 1-47329819
- VIN: KRMGE24011806
- Milage: 147k miles (237k km)
- Location: Hayward (CA)
- Seller: ---
- GM (California)
- Minor dent / scratches
- Run and Drive
Thu 26 September, 2019
Final bid: $350
Past auctions